Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Obituary of Contemporary Art

The Offices of Thesaurus-Rex Art, the magazine: At a private hospital in Beverly Hills tonight, while everybody on regular staff is in bed with a hangover, Contemporary Art up and died. [ Now I have the unpleasant task of writing the first draft of the obituary. (Then I've got to get back to my regular job of cleaning up this place, these people are pigs! Being a janitor can surely be interesting. Hey maybe all of those years in college getting my MFA weren't wasted after all.)]

We all knew Contemporary Visual art had a serious problem. It has been killing itself ever so slowly. Sort of like a smoker who changes from filtered to Camel no-filters and then decides; Heck I'll just roll my own, add some pot because well... it's medicinal. Hey we all know smoking kills you, it's just a matter of how fast and how good you wanna feel on the ride. Oh.... brilliant idea... what if I crush up some old Quaaludes and mix them into the pot and tobacco... oh wowoowooooowwww" Such has been C.A.'s reasoning.

Ah well... maybe a little history would be in order??? Nah, C. A. had no use for history, it just wanted lots of money and tons of attention it didn't care what it had to do to get them. Ta Ta for now!

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