Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cousins of the KKK and Elite Lies

1.  Self Evident:  The KKK, the Taliban, al Qa’ida, The Weather Underground, the Black Panthers (new and old), Hamas, CAIR, Abu Nedal, the Red Hand, Red Brigade, et. al., the truth is that the far right and far left coexist among violent revolutionaries.  Every shade and creed, every person who is affiliated with like groups… all liars.   People who uses the power of fear as a tool, who damage property, harm people, kill people in order to get their point across is lying to themselves and to us all.  They do not wish to convert us; not to their religion, to their way of thinking, to express their ideas, nor even to achieve some imagined end.  What they want is power; an all-consuming lust for power is their only real dream. Those who sympathize with them, who help them, enable them, condone their actions are cowardly liars.  Enablers act out of fear and envy.  Common criminals are better human beings, for eventually they know what and who they are.  Terrorists live and die behind their chosen shield, whether it be religion, the “oppressed” or some new twist on a worn out political hypothesis.

2.  The Elite:  Those who resort to; elitism, to browbeating, name-calling, general meanness, and snappy repartee are afraid of intelligent, thoughtful, open-minded debate in an honest effort to discover the merits.  Elitism is lazy, cowardly, pseudo-intellectual soft mindedness.  They belong on the ash heap of the also ran, of the blip on the screen, in the long list of should-a, could-a, would-a, wannabe’s.  Rather obscurity than hollow fame, the life of a cartoon character is not living.  The life of an intellectual bully is the life and reputation of a child.  The greater the IQ the more worthless the gift when used to fruitless, selfish ends. 

3.  The Hard, Humble Truth:  There is more of value to be learned from the quiet, the obscure, the unknown, from children, from the disabled, from the poor and the homeless than one might learn in decades attending the Ivy League.  Such learning is far more expensive that a little blue blood, for life outside the elite stratosphere teaches humility.  Humility is a price too far, and way too high for most.  To avoid humility we resort to silent lies, to ourselves and to others; “our degree’s make us better, our income proves us better,’ our houses, our trips, our position, our bending down to do charitable work, our taxable income, our wives, our husbands, our superiority from foolish religion, our children all make us better… oh to be superior. Truthfully the elite knee secretly wobbles before the independent, inwardly strong, the solid, oh deepest vanity.  Warning:  Self-revelation makes the blue blood boil.

In theatre and film character is often destiny, how nice if life were that simple.  Life is only simple for fools, and fools come from every walk of life, every level of education.

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